If you are SAIL Member and have paid your yearly dues, documents below are available for you. You will need to log into your profile to access the Guide and the resources. However, if the resource is from a Community Partner, all will have access.
If you need to pay your annual dues use your “My Profile” page to complete payment. If you encounter issues viewing any of the documents, please contact SAIL at info@sailhousingsolutions.org. To become a SAIL Member, follow the prompts on the “Join SAIL” page.

Complete Housing Guide
Resource Documents
Charting Your Course
To succeed in developing a solution where an individual can live independently, starting with a realistic understanding of what is required is recommended. The resource documents in the section, you took a deep look within yourself to understand the journey ahead.
Reality Check – Are You Ready? Reflection Worksheet
Preparing To Sail
It is important to know what will keep you afloat during your IDD Housing Solution journey and provide a stable and lasting foundation for an individual. Resources in this step include effectively managing Financial Assets, obtaining Government Benefits, and developing an effective Person Centered Plan.
The Arc Michigan Tax Guide 2024*
Ten Action Items: What you CAN DO while your loved one is living at home
Turning 18 Checklist – Oakland County District Transition Coordinators*
The Arc of Oakland County – Transition to Adulthood: Key Considerations*
Michigan Alliance for Families – Guardianship Alternatives*
ABLE National Resource Center – ABLE account vs Special Needs & Pooled Trusts*
CLS Oakland County Informational Brochure*
Home Help Services DHS Pub 0815*
Michigan SIS Implementation Manual*
Person Center Plan (PCP) and Individual Plan Of Service (IPOS)
Preparing to Sail Checklist- Government Benefits, Legal Measures, Financial Matters
SAIL Ready To Launch Checklist
SIS Assessment and the PCP_IPOS-2
Understanding Michigan Food Assistance
Find Your Mates
The SAIL Find Your Mates step promotes working with others towards a common IDD Housing Solution, what SAIL refers to as Partner Families. Finding potential roommates for your child and compatible collaborative Partner Families can be one of the most challenging aspects of developing an IDD Housing Solution. SAIL provides resources to help guide this process.
Assessing Family Compatibility
Getting to Know Me PPT template
Roommate Compatibility Questions
Team Decision Making Process and Team Building Activities
Explore Housing Cabins
When choosing the type and location of an individual’s new home, the decision will be based on a combination of personal preferences, collaborative choices, and practical realities. The Exploring Housing Cabins resources presents information about various housing models, types of ownership and affordability.
Assessing Housing Location Pros Cons
Creating a Shared Housing Vision
Supports Coordination and Your Housing Vision
Assemble Your Crew
In the Assemble Your Crew, individuals work with their Support Coordinator to update an Individual’s Plan of Service to determine the level of service an individual needs. The resources in this step will help evaluate what staffing models are available, creative ways to find staff, and how to find the right staff to effectively support an individual.
MORC Employer of Record Agreement*
The Arc Michigan Hiring & Managing Direct Care Workers Guide*
Employer of Record Sample Care Staff Job Description and Policies
MDHHS Self-Direction Technical Requirement Implementation Guide*
Parent Perspective on Staffing
Parent Perspective on the Use of Enabling Technology Support
Questions for a Community Support Partner_Staffing Agency
SAIL Roommate Schedule and Support Needs Template
Supports Coordination and Your Support and Staffing Needs
EOR Training Tracking Document for Staff
Financial Assistance Programs and Grants
Coming Ashore
As an individual prepares for a move, it is important to work closely with an individual on the emotional and practical elements that will help establish a safe and smooth transition to a new home. SAIL has developed a series of helpful resources for its members that can aid individuals for a move and help to establish expectations for the home, roommates and support staff.
Sample Roommate Agreement and Cleaning Guidelines
Shared Meal Planning and Shopping Template
Community and Home Engagement Ideas
Employee of Record Sample House Organization Tools
Health & Safety Topics – Awareness & Practice & Drills
SAIL Co-operative Living Daily and Weekly Chore Charts Sample Template-2
Sample of an Apartment Move-in TO-DO List
Running a Tight Ship
The Running a Tight Ship step is a reminder that while individuals may be living in a successful and supportive environment, issues and situations will arise that require attention and collaboration. Establishing and maintaining any type of home is an ongoing process. Resources include effective management of the home, what to do in case of an emergency, and how finance are managed in the home.
The Arc of Oakland County Planning a More Secure Future and SSI Planning PowerPoint*
The Arc of Oakland County The Forever Plan Brochure*
Individual Bill Pay Tracking Form
Monthly Expense Reconciliation Example
Transition Period Parent Perspective